Day 1: Read D&C 4 with headnote; Isaiah 29:14; 1 Nephi 14:7
1. To whom was this revelation directed? Knowing the recipient made his living as a farmer, what images can you find in this section that relate missionary work to farming?
2. What is meant by the "marvelous work" referred to in D&C 4:1? See also Isaiah 29:14, 1 Nephi 14:7.
3. What qualifies us to serve God? Which two principles are included in both the general list in D&C 4:5 and the more specific list in D&C 4:6?
BONUS: Compare D&C 4:5-6 with 2 Peter 1:2-10. How do these character traits prepare us for eternal life?
Day 2: Read D&C 11 with headnote; D&C 124:15
4. To whom was this revelation directed? What do we learn about the recipient from D&C 124:15?
5. List fruits of the Spirit from D&C 11:12-14.
6. What must we do before we declare the word of God?
Day 3: Read D&C 12 with headnote; Helaman 3:29; Hebrews 4:12
7. To whom is this revelation directed? According to the headnote, what had this man done to help bring forth the Book of Mormon?
8. Read Helaman 3:29 and Hebrews 4:12 with D&C 12:2. Look up the work "quick" in the dictionary. How is the word of God "quick"? How is it powerful?
9. According to D&C 12:7, to whom is this revelation also given? List traits of those who can assist in bringing forth God's kingdom in the latter days.
Day 4: Read D&C 13 with headnote; JS-H 1:69-71, with footnote * to 71; D&C 84:26; D&C 20:5-12; D&C 128:24
10. When, where, to whom and by whom was this revelation given? What impresses you most about Oliver Cowdery's note to JS-H 1:71?
11. List the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood. See also D&C 84:26. Read D&C 20:5-12. List aspects of the ministering of angels.
12. Read D&C 128:24. What is one interpretation of the offering the sons of Levi (priesthood holders) will offer in the last days?
Day 5: Read D&C 14, with headnote
13. To whom is this revelation directed? Through what instrument was it received?
14. Which is the greatest of all the gifts of God? List instructions from D&C 14:2-7 on how we might obtain this gift.
15. In what three ways did Jesus identify himself in D&C 14:9?
Day 6: Read D&C 15 with headnote
16. To whom is this revelation directed?
17. According to the headnote, what was unique about this revelation? Why was the Lord pleased with the recipient's request?
18. List the actions described as being of most worth from D&C 15:6.
Day 7: Read D&C 16 with headnote
19. To whom is this revelation directed?
20. What do you think the Lord meant when he declared that his "arm is over all the earth" (D&C 16:2)?
21. Why is missionary work of great worth? See also D&C 18:10-16.